SpecacRequest A Quote
Fort Washington, PA | 866-726-1126https://specac.com/product-category/sample-preparation-equipment
Specac is a leading global manufacturer and supplier of high-quality laboratory accessories, including spectrometry products, sample preparation equipment, and accessories. The company was founded in 1971 and is headquartered in Orpington, Kent, United Kingdom, with offices and distributors located in over 50 countries worldwide. Specac is committed to providing innovative, reliable, and efficient solutions for spectroscopy and sample preparation applications in various industries, including pharmaceuticals, petrochemicals, environmental, and academic research. One of Specac's core product lines is its range of hydraulic presses, designed for high-pressure sample preparation applications. These presses are capable of applying high pressures and temperatures, making them ideal for various analytical techniques, including infrared spectroscopy, X-ray fluorescence, and X-ray diffraction. Specac's hydraulic presses are designed to handle a range of sample types and sizes, from powders to liquids and solids, including pellets, thin films, and powders. Specac's hydraulic presses come in a variety of models, including the Atlas series, which is designed for advanced applications, including the production of large pellets and the preparation of high-quality KBr discs. The Atlas series is also available in a variety of configurations, including heated platens and cooling systems. The Mega-P series is designed for high-throughput sample preparation applications, featuring a large platen size and a robust design for reliable, efficient operation. Additionally, Specac offers the AutoQuest series, which is a fully automated press system, designed to streamline the sample preparation process and eliminate operator error. In addition to its range of hydraulic presses, Specac offers a comprehensive range of services to support its customers' needs. These services include technical support, training, calibration, and repair services. Specac's experienced team of engineers and technicians provides comprehensive support to ensure customers can operate their equipment effectively and efficiently, minimizing downtime and maximizing productivity. Overall, Specac is a trusted and reliable partner for laboratory accessories and equipment, including its range of hydraulic presses. With its commitment to innovation, quality, and customer service, Specac is well-positioned to meet the growing demands of the laboratory industry for reliable and efficient sample preparation equipment.